ダラダラと物凄い数の曲が収録されておりONJのヒット曲は殆ど収録されていてお得なDVDだ。 ☆☆☆なのは私の個人的な意見だがCD「水の中の妖精」で歌っているカバーの名曲「The Long and Winding Road」が入っていないのが原因。 歳はとったが声は昔と変わらない。ONJにはこれしか決定的な ライブは無いので多分ONJのDVDとしては最高だと思う。
この"Have you never been mellow"はオリビアの曲の中でも名の知れた名曲です。ちょうど今頃(といってもちょっと遅いか...)の季節に似合う曲ですね。 There was a time when I was in a hurry as you are I was like you There was a day when I just had to tell my point of view I was like you Now I don't mean to make you frown No, I just want you to slow down Have you never been mellow? Have you never tried to find a comfort from inside you? Have you never been happy just to hear your song? Have you never let someone else be strong? Running around as you do with your head up in the clouds I was like you Never had time to lay back, kick your shoes off, close your eyes I was like you Now you're not hard to understand You need someone to take your hand Have you never been mellow? Have you never tried to find a comfort from inside you? Have you never been happy just to hear your song? Have you never let someone else be strong?