


Static-X - Destroyer

Rob Zombie, Slayer, Slipknot, Rise Against, Static-X, Hatebreed, Seether, Ramallah são alguns dos artistas presentes nela!!

@JamesDeen well for starters static x didn't do down with the sickness, disturbed did, so that really wouldn't be a good idea lol

@psynde they broke up :( Opened for Static-X, first time I've ever openly drooled at a lead singer. Thats the lead I couldn't speak too!!

RT @JamesDeen: I'm on set with some dude from static x and I really want to ask him if he is down with the sickness even though I know that's not right :-)

RT @JamesDeen: I'm on set with some dude from static x and I really want to ask him if he is down with the sickness even though I know that's not right :-)

RT @JamesDeen: I'm on set with some dude from static x and I really want to ask him if he is down with the sickness even though I know that's not right :-)

RT @JamesDeen: I'm on set with some dude from static x and I really want to ask him if he is down with the sickness even though I know that's not right :-)

@JamesDeen down with the sickness is by disturbed. static-x did a song called love dump... which is what you leave on girls faces!!

RT @JamesDeen: I'm on set with some dude from static x and I really want to ask him if he is down with the sickness even though I know that's not right :-)

RT @JamesDeen: I'm on set with some dude from static x and I really want to ask him if he is down with the sickness even though I know that's not right :-)

Where the Hell Are We & What Day Is It This Is [VHS] [Import]


映画「SAW V」のサントラにも収録されている「No Submission」の破壊力は絶大。
自らの音楽をEvil Discoと称し、近未来的なメタル・サウンドを売りにしてきた彼らの“野生”を感じさせる傑作。


Shadow Zone




Static-X 動画


ハイパーオリンピック Hyper Olympic 1
奈良 うましうるわし 奈良 「Again」
スティーヴ・ウィンウッド Can't Find My Way Home - Yoichi Aoyama the BM's
乙女はお姉さまに恋してる 乙女はお姉さまに恋してる プロモムービー
Alter Bridge Alter Bridge - In Loving Memory (With Lyrics)
INDIVI voices - Q;indivi
ジーンシャフト Geneshaft OP
智子と知子 田村欣子、サヤ・エンドー、元気美佐恵 vs. 宮崎有妃、久住智子(日向あずみ)、宮口知子 1/2(96.3.31横浜アリ
スーパーマリオワールド 自作の改造マリオ(スーパーマリオワールド)を友人にプレイさせる ニコニコ動画コメント付き
米光美保 米光美保 「風のPAVEMENT」(TPD 東京パフォーマンスドール)

Static-X 情報

ビューティフル ジョー
8 Mile