The Troubadors - Broken Bridge (Official Music Video)

The Troubadors - Broken Bridge (Official Music Video)

CD giveaway! RT with the name of tonight's #LumHub headliner to win a copy of her album "Troubadours on the Rhine" #Luminato2012

@KristinDeason so I bought the turnpike troubadours CDs after I kept hearing about them from you. I can't stop listening to them. #awesome

@3STR1K3S Such a great idea! I forgot about the other guy. My neighbourhood is full of homeless troubadours! (#YaaBuddy to your #YaaBuddy!)

RT @Luminato: CD giveaway! RT with the name of tonight's #LumHub headliner to win a copy of her album "Troubadours on the Rhine" #Luminato2012

“@Luminato: CD giveaway! RT name of tonight's #LumHub headliner to win a copy Troubadours on the Rhine" #Luminato2012” - Loreena McKennit

ZZ Top, George Thorogood, and the Turpike Troubadours are keeping me and this watermelon in great company today.

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