Excellent! There are all in all 42 tracks, each is different. Most of them are 1-2 minutes long, so total playing time is around 1 hour. Music is beautiful. I always buy Akira Senju's CD without advance listening, knowing very well that each of his new CD is a musical masterpiece. I like his music because it's always relaxing. With this particular album I imagine myself lying on a wheat field during the day time and looking at the blue sky with white clouds passing by. I love that feeling!!!! As usually Akira Senju uses lush string orchestra combined with other instruments such as flute, oboe, clarinet, harp, piano, guitar, mandolin, accordion, saxophone, etc. The album includes 8-page text booklet (in Japanese).
『マワルソラ』は青空の中まっすぐ前に進んで行くというか飛んで行くようなイメージで、最近のヤイコらしい爽やかな曲だと思います。Chapter01とかと似た雰囲気かなあと・・・ あとこの曲は夏休みロードショーの『ロボッツ』のエンディング曲にもなっているらしいです。そっちのほうも気が向いたら見に行きたいかなと。 『屋根を見下ろす屋上で』はゆったりした感じの曲です。 歌詞がいいです。 あとパソコンに入れるとPVが見れるあたりもいい特典だと思います。 アルバム出るまで待つのも手ですが買っといて損はないと思います。