Kyk OP (Look UP), a short movie made by teenagers using a home video camera and a microphone mounted on a broomstick. This movie won the awards for Best Film, Best Directing, Best Cinematography, Best Sound, and Best Editing at the first Ubuntu Teen Film Festival in Stellenbosch, South Africa. This product is the result of an impoverished and a priviledged school working together, building bridges between the vastly different communities in South Africa. The actors and the story line came from a more impoverished community, while the skills of script writing, directing and technical abilities came from teens from a more privileged school. The movie was based on a quote from a Global Oneness Project interview with Julia Hill: "We are all so afraid. And it is manifest everywhere in our lives".
dak jumatan RT @Rahmat_Djaja: Krjo L̲̅ªªªђ vi RT "@siisilvy_: kerjo, kw dak kerjo RT @Rahmat_Djaja: ∂ǻk kerja vi RT @siisilvy_: samolah kyk

Bak contohin kk :D @adhi_cabul: Iya mayun aja biar kyk bebek . Hha RT. @DyaanKrisna Yaudaa manyun skrg :(

RT ciee berarti ka ana bidadari dri khayangan dong, asik @AnaMiszy: Dbngunin pngeran nnti kyk dongeng RT @yudi_rockerz: RT perbanyak istrht,

@SRP_KARANICOLE kerja itu capek.. Kyk oppa..

anti kerut anti bocor :D RT @AndaaLun3: @khavinda heheheh.. di tipi2 mah kan sering muncul kyk gt.. :D

Ihhhhh beast dikasih oversea schedule awal juli, cube gabisa focus-in mereka ke comeback aja? kyk agency yang baru 1taun aja deh cube

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魔術士 オーフェン
ファイアーエムブレム 蒼炎の軌跡
