Josh Hartnett shares his feeling about his new movie "Bunraku"

Josh Hartnett shares his feeling about his new movie "Bunraku"

Josh Hartnett handsome and "Bunraku" director Guy Moshe talk about their upcoming film and the effect its having on them personally.
Next movie ~> black hawk down :D kangen sama josh hartnett hyung (?)

Looking for some Bunraku pictures on google. Traditional bunraku. But I only find Gackt and Josh Hartnett~ XD

@roroshabrina Nonton Josh Hartnett, selalu inget Tobby. Kyaaa ♥

Josh hartnett! Omg. Fucking fucking hot.

#20FactsAboutMe I am obsessed with josh HARTNETT and I am not ashamed. And the fact that his last name is all in caps make me rofl

matanya baguuuus, pas di black hawk down yaampun :3 "@SJHenry_89: Next movie ~> black hawk down :D kangen sama josh hartnett hyung (?)"

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