別になにを聴こうとリスナーの自由だと思うけどね ミスチルの曲を純粋に好きならそれで良いと思うし…
特に10代だとなおさら音楽に純粋だと思う だから大人がぐだぐた言わない方が良いと思うけどな
その年の10月からのドラマ主題歌だった。 12月になり年が暮れるころ,ドラマが終わるともに一度はチャートのトップ10から落ちていったのだが,年が明けたころに持ち直し,1月,2月,3月・・・・とトップ10あたりをキープし続けた。
自分が初めてテレビで歌っているミスチルを見たのは3月,当時古舘伊知郎さんが司会を務めていた音楽番組の最終回だった。 番組中,古舘さんは『なんで最終回にこんな豪華なゲストがでるんだ・・』と嘆いていたことを憶えている。 『もっと前からこんなだったらこの番組終わらなくて済んだのに・・』と(ミスチルの他にも豪華な出演者が複数でていた)
その番組のプロデューサーだかディレクターだかの娘がミスチルファンで,父親に『ミスチルを出さないでくれ』と懇願したような旨のエピソードも紹介された。 彼女の気持ちもわかるが,もうこれは売れて当然。
Like many people I saw this movie before I red the book. Naturally due to media constraints, you expect certain amount of the book to be homogenized. So I wanted to read what was missing. To my amazement very little was missing or modified. I was surprised at finding myself wanting more when it finished.
The whole book and story is about a collection of correspondence between Helene Hanff an avid book reader and Frank Doel an agent for British bookseller.
Not being able to find the books she wanted to read for a reasonable price she turned to a book seller in Brittan. In the process of buying books they strike up a friendship. As we follow the correspondents we learn about various books and also watch the timeline of what is happening in Britton through the years.
First time I watched this movie, not having any background on the story, characters or actors, I was waiting for the action to take place. At one point Hannibal Lector (oops), I mean Frank Doel says "Very nice,,, very tasty.” When the final credits appeared, I realized this was not that kind of movie. Since then I have repented to the point that I am tracking down the books that are mentioned. Interestingly the movie is almost word for word the book.
Also not until I read the book I did not realize that Charing Cross Road was a real place.
My wife has taken this one step further and is collecting all the books that were mentioned in the correspondence. Some of these books appear to have been reprinted due to this publication.
If you can find it there is a book called "The Library of Helen Hanff." It will give a list of the books in the movie; otherwise you will just have to writ them down as you watch the movie or read the book. Some of these books appear to have been reprinted due to this publication.
I wonder what became of all the other people described in the correspondents after the book.