Harry Enfield And Chums - Tory Boy - Job Centre

Harry Enfield And Chums - Tory Boy - Job Centre

Tory Boy lets the clients at the Job Centre know his feelings!
RT @ChrisOllerhead: Why has nobody murdered Mark Wright yet? Or his equally annoying chums!

@EegorMcgreegor yeh good mate. was at primal scream friday. then my chums last night. not long till zee roses gig :)

The Austerity drive in Britain is run by a bunch of clueless school chums who are preoccupied with being seen to be important. Oh Yar!

"my favourite thing in the whole world to do is get crunk and eat with the chums" #MarryMe

@ollyofficial the good old goofster i think u and goofy would be best chums alright did he ask u for ur autograph n vice versa lol x

super sunday ahh guess with my chums.

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