Super Siamese - Breed Spotlight!

Super Siamese - Breed Spotlight!

Every so often we like to feature a particular kind of breed of animal. We always try to choose the ones that are the cutest out there, and today is no exception. Siamese kittens are so cute and funny, this video will be sure to make you squeel! Thanks to all the cute kittens in this video:mybrothermycroft, beaconhillmese, sugarscattery, longshotstar, GrandPrider, waynesmail1, danalunafae, irefudenz, JaroenK,cmstrickkpmg, orange2stone, siamese-kittens.
RT @SomaKudi: Bad governance and poverty are Siamese twins. Delivered by greed. Breastfed by complacency.

Fuck me it's like having 10 babies screaming in the house with my Siamese being in season, I need earplugs!

RT @fuckingjennifer: i can't even imagine how awkward it must be when siamese twins need a wank

"cos you're Siamese queers bitches".

My grandma calls people on her street "women with the dog" "siamese cat lady" and "man in corner"

RT @SomaKudi: Bad governance and poverty are Siamese twins. Delivered by greed. Breastfed by complacency.

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