[Tera HD] Guide to Slayers

[Tera HD] Guide to Slayers

if it uploaded faster, totally woulda had it in time. same stuff as usual, if you have questions feel freeeeeeeee to ask in the comments and I'll reply asap
RT @joysofbeauty: Abraham lincolns a vampire slayer now?

@The_Last_Slayer amazingly clever

RT @UmaDoseDeSoad: #Aquário Música do Slayer: Raining Blood #HoróscopoSOADer

"@AnnaGraceDuncan: "Abaraham Lincoln vampire slayer" Totes run out of movie ideas" hahaha we were laughing so much when the advert came on..

Abraham Lincoln Vampire Slayer? Who makes these films seriously

“@TJ_SLAYER: #youcantbeathugifyournameis timothy, george larry, tom, or your considered "lil" under any circumstance” @tommytastik

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