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Talking Heads - "Stay Up Late"

Talking Heads - "Stay Up Late"

Awful quiet at AA arena. Wonder what the talking heads are gunna crap on at the half with the "old guys" leading.

@AlDogg44 @oaknd1 Hey, those talking heads are thoughtful and insightful #blindoracleofbristol

Stop talking shit about wade y'all niggas wasn't saying that when he got a fucking ring ... Fucking dick heads

@hockeynight The talking heads need to lay off Quick.

@oaknd1 well, 'prodigal channel' only for live sports. They can keep the rest of the crap. World Wide Leader of talking heads and yelling

@chick2694 media dude...be smart enough to look at all the info, tune out the talking heads and make your own decisions...

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Dying Fetus
