Matthew, Gunnar, and Sam Nelson "Garden Party"

Matthew, Gunnar, and Sam Nelson "Garden Party"

Matthew, Gunnar, and Sam Nelson playing their father's song (Rick Nelson) 2005
@LeanneCopple dude when you go I'm going"!!!

Que desatino de Otero haber excluido a @amilkarh y a Nelson Barahona. Por si No Sabia Son Seleccion Panama y se Jugaron Un señor Partido.

Classic pop up video is on. Guess whose videos they're doing?? Prince Rogers Nelson, that's who!!

@laurel_nelson Tomorrow!?!?!

y porsiacaso no olvido rapido sino que desaparecen solas

RT @RealTaIk: Love me or hate me, both are in my favor. If you love me, I'll always be in your heart, If you hate me, I'll always be in your mind.

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