黒夢BEAMS 代々木

黒夢BEAMS 代々木

ニコ動より転載。 再結成、1発目の1曲目。 まさかの選曲でした。

And then Worf pivoted suddenly and launched him-self to the side and-- --was hit on three sides by disruptor beams.

Blame it on the black star Blame it on the falling sky Blame it on the satellite That beams me home

Its nar-row window faced north, and the beams from B'hala's space mirrors did not interfere with his view of the stars.

Why This Man Cut My Cousin Off So Her Ass Gon Ride Behind Him W/Her High Beams On&A Serious Face,Then Pulled Beside Him&Gave Him The Finger

If you frequently use your high beams then you've never had high hopes

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