Clannad - Robin (The Hooded Man)

Clannad - Robin (The Hooded Man)

"Robin (The Hooded Man)" is the only single released by Irish group Clannad from their 1984 album Legend. This song was the theme tune to the ITV drama Robin of Sherwood and heralded Clannad's effectiveness in soundtrack. Robin of Sherwood TV show information: Robin of Sherwood (retitled Robin Hood in the United States), was an acclaimed and highly influential 1980s British television series, based on the legend of Robin Hood. Created by Richard Carpenter, it was produced by HTV in association with Goldcrest, and ran from 1984 to 1986 on the ITV network. In America it was retitled Robin Hood and shown on the premium cable TV channel Showtime and on PBS. The show starred Michael Praed and Jason Connery as two different incarnations of the title character. Unlike previous adaptations of the Robin Hood legend, Robin of Sherwood combined a gritty, authentic production design with elements of real-life history and pagan myth.

@clannad_busters おやすみなさ~い

「てーきぽすと」一応、今、暗譜してあって弾ける曲 「AIR 鳥の詩 夏影」 「SNOW 雪花」 「アイマス GO MY WAY!」 「CLANNAD 汐」 「リトバス! 遥か彼方」 「智代アフター  Light Colors」 くらい まぁ、全部完璧に弾くのは無理だろうけどねww

【定期】 渚党を作りました。CLANNADの渚が好きで、入りたい方はリプください!

@CLANNAD_taka あっちゃあ すみませんおねがいします;;

@railes リトバスとCLANNADとFORTUNE ARTERIALをやったけど結局は苦手という結論に至った(´・ω・`)

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