Prism - Morning Light (2004)
プリズム - MORNING LIGHT (Prism - Morning Light) 和田アキラ/Akira Wada (Guitar) 森園勝敏/Katsutoshi Morizono (Guitar) 新澤健一郎/Kenichiro Shinzawa (Keyboards) 岡田治郎/Jiro Okada (Bass) 木村万作/Mansaku Kimura (Drums) 中島オバヲ/Obawo Nakajima (Percussion) Morning Light was composed by Akira Wada and released in 1977 on Prism's debut album, "Prism". This performance is on July 21, 2004 at Club Citta. The DVD recording is titled "Homecoming 2004". ff15home.awardspace.us

Mega Man Xtreme 2 OST, T02: Title [Opening from Mega Man X2]
OST Name: Mega Man Xtreme 2 ~ Original Game Audio Composed & Arranged by: Toshio Kajino and Mitsuhiko Takano Originally Composed & Arranged by: Yuki Iwai Ripped by: ZekeLonewalker / PsychoZeke NOTE: Regardless if alterations are made or not, chiptune translations of already existing compositions are considered re-arranged pieces; remixes if new content not present in the original piece are incorporated. All Mega Man X / Rockman X material including but not limited to game, characters, images, and music are © Capcom Co., Ltd. No copyright infringements are intended. The sharing of VGM does not destroy the video game industry, as it does indeed help it grow.

斉藤さんというアプリ!! 悪口は相手が傷つくからやめよう^^w 高評価、コメント、チャンネル登録良かったらよろしくお願いします!! Twitter→http:/twtr.jp/user/SUKONBUnetwork/status GREE→ http:/gree.jp/iv/1088b5afc9ccd719dd1eff6a009208f08/SNIV22 アメブロ→ameblo.jp Skype→big0825 メール→sukonet825@yahoo.co.jp

Part 1 - The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe (Chs 01-04)
Part 1. Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Read by Mark F. Smith. Playlist for The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe: www.youtube.com