[PR] この広告は3ヶ月以上更新がないため表示されています。

Oricon Top 100 -2011-

Oricon Top 100 -2011-

ENJOY! Keep in mind that these results are based on sales only and that these results do not necessarily represent the best songs of 2011. Also, Oricon reveals only the sales numbers for the top 50 of the 100 shown here, so please don't ask why there are no sales numbers for the latter 50.Please donate if you want to help Japan recover! You can donate to any Red Cross or: www.globalgiving.org All content used in the making of this video is copyright and owned by their respective recording artists and their labels or if relevant, television production companies. I only made the video, I do not own any of the material used. Chart ranking information was obtained at: www.oricon.co.jp and www.oricon.co.jp Please support your favourite artists and help them reach #1 by buying their CDs through: www.cdjapan.co.jp http www.amazon.co.jp http Please check out www.greenteagraffiti.com !!

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