ジャック・リーがアンナに惚れて出来たコラボアルバムですが、なかなかイイですねー。ジャック・リーのギターがでしゃばらずアンナの(甘く切ない)ヴォーカルをしっかりサポート。#8のFragileは本家stingへのオマージュさえ感じさせる本アルバム一番の聴き所。#11のBesame Muchoも秀逸。アルバム全体としてはボサテイストに仕上げていますが、かなりおすすめ度の高いアルバムだと思います。これからの季節あなたへの一服の清涼剤となりますよ。
The Very Best of Sting & the Police
This is the official music video for Falcom JDK Band's classic "To Make the End of Battle". It always bugged me that the version of the video distributed on the "Ys Legacy" anime DVD set has its audio so obviously de-synched from its video, so I decided to do something about it. Using the anime DVD source for the video, and the "Falcom JDK Band 1" album source for the audio, I essentially "remastered" this, cutting and re-dubbing the audio so that it better synchs up with the video (and is of a much higher recording quality). It's still not 100% perfectly in synch, but it really can't be, since certain parts of the video are more out-of-synch than others... so I found the best possible compromise, and went with that. As a result, some segments from the beginning of the video may still appear slightly out-of-synch (though less so than before), but the end of the video should appear ENTIRELY synched-up. I also added annotations for the dialogue at the beginning, using Hudson's translation from the original Ys Book II on the TurboGrafx-16. For your own reference, in case you have no idea what the Falcom JDK Band is: Nihon Falcom is a prolific Japanese game developer (primarily PC games, but lately they've also been releasing a lot of PSP titles), founded in 1981. After several booming successes (Xanadu, Ys I & II, and Dragon Slayer: The Legend of Heroes, among others), they established what can only be described as an in-house glam-rock band, which performed very 80s-esque ...