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ラジオ番組『霜田明寛の26歳問題』のアーカイブ! 26歳ライターの霜田明寛が様々な事象に意見を提示していく第10回。 今回は、塾講師をしていた霜田が、 中学受験の変な伝統、『校門の前での握手』の光景に切り込みます。 2012年4月より 毎週日曜 22:15~ FMドリームゲート『霜田明寛の26歳問題』大好評放送中! 調布エフエム、FM-KOFU、FM宝塚など、全国60局のコミュニティFMでネット!

Super Junior 슈퍼주니어_Mr.Simple_MUSICVIDEO
♪ Download on iTunes : itunes.apple.com ☞ FACEBOOK SUPER JUNIOR : www.facebook.com ☞ FACEBOOK SMTOWN : www.facebook.com ☞ More Album Info. [Language : KOR / ENG / JPN / CHN] : superjunior.smtown.com ▷ Introduction Leader of Global Korean Wave, Super Junior, Returns to Korea at Last! Releasing the 5th Album 'Mr. Simple' on August 3rd! The leader of global Korean Wave who mesmerized the whole world beyond Korea, Super Junior, is finally returning home with the 5th album. The title song, 'Mr. Simple', is a 'SJ FUNKY' song created for Super Junior only, and it can be considered as the final version of 'SJ FUNKY' following 'SORRY, SORRY' and 'BONAMANA' that became a worldwide hit. The lyric describes the reality where modern people living in a complicated world failing to achieve what they intended to and losing their love and dreams without the breadth of mind in a simple way with humorous and metaphorical words, meaning "There is no need to take everything very serious. Simple and easy way can rather be a better choice for finding oneself" like the title, 'Mr. Simple.' ▷ Title Song : Mr. Simple Lyrics, composed & Arranged by YOO, YOUNG JIN ▷ Album : 'Mr. Simple' Super Junior The 5th Album ▷ Artist : Super Junior 슈퍼주니어