XSS Cross Site Scripting Demonstration
Cross-site scripting ('XSS' or 'CSS') is an attack that takes advantage of a Web site vulnerability in which the site displays content that includes un-sanitized user-provided data. For example, an attacker might place a hyperlink with an embedded malicious script into an online discussion forum. That purpose of the malicious script is to attack other forum users who happen to select the hyperlink. For example it could copy user cookies and then send those cookies to the attacker. The Script Injection video should be watched before this video for greater understanding.
Ajax Tutorial : Post to PHP File XMLHttpRequest Object Return Data Javascript
Script: www.developphp.com Learn to program the javascript XMLHttpRequest Object to easily send Ajax HTTP requests to your PHP parsing scripts, and get return data from submitted forms or any type of interaction that takes place on your website.
Delphi Programming Tutorial #38 - Charting Jpeg Compression
LearnDelphi.tv In this delphi programming tutorial we look at using TeeChart (TChart) to produce a graph of Jpeg quality verses file size.
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