'Israel should give up nukes along with Iran'
The US is moving towards global zero under which Israel will give up nukes, because there's no future for a crowded nuclear region. That's what Richard R. Burt, American disarmament expert told RT. RT on Twitter twitter.com RT on Facebook www.facebook.com
"Over The Rainbow" by Rhema Marvanne 8 yr old gospel singer
And God said, "This is the token of the covenant; I set it between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for all gererations to come. I will set my bow in the clouds and it shall be a token of the covenant between me and the earth. When I bring clouds over the earth, and the bow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant which is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh. Never again shall the waters become a flood to destroy all flesh." Genesis 9:12-15
映画「フォレスト・ガンプ/一期一会」のBGMを組曲にしたものです。 何度観ても涙がでる感動的な物語ですよね!(^^)楽譜はHAL・LEONARD社の「Forrest Gump SUITE」のものを使いました。 昨日梅田に行ったついでに久々に第2ビルのササヤ書店に行ってみたところ、 こんなレアな楽譜をみつけてしまったので、衝動買いしてしまいました。(笑)(笑)
meet my RUSSIAN BLUE KITTEN - VLADIMIR. i adopted him in NOVEMBER 2009 at 3 months old (he's 3-4 months old at the time of this video). my friend ELLE nicknamed him TOOKIE WILLIAMS because he's "blue". he's also nicknamed FRAIDY CAT by me, because he can be. i haven't had a cat since i moved out of my mom's apartment when i was 18. having one now is a little different, but just as great. i was still a little unsure when i brought him home (as i don't like commitments to anything), but now we're as tight as hipster jeans. things you might like to know about him: -he's RUSSIAN and TRINIDADIAN. -he's a VIRGO (which means i get along great with him since i'm a TAURUS). -he was found hustling on the streets of QUEENS, but he's from BROOKLYN. -he likes to eat paper, watch basketball (KNICKS cat) and sleep all day. -he currently resides in THE EAST VILLAGE, eats organic and sleeps on egyptian cotton...but is definitely STRAIGHT. -he's a fan of RADIOHEAD, DEEE-LITE, and BIGGIE (he's so eclectic) -he once sucker punched a tea cup yorkie just because... i love him and i hope you enjoy my video of him. more to come soon!!! vashtie.com vashtie.com/blog violettenewyork.com