Pearl Jam - Daughter (lyrics)

Pearl Jam - Daughter (lyrics)

An awesome song by an awesome band. From the 1993 album "Vs." * A MILLION views, w00t! O_o
Looks like we're doing "family movie" tonight for my daughter's 16th birthday celebration. I'll lurk on #gardenchat but can't focus on it.

So I heard that its finally happening . I'm praying for you baby . Just make it back to me and your daughter @rainmansoldier . We love you

RT @LexGarraway: Flo Jo's Daughter Will Be On America's Got Talent After The Commerical Break#Trackheads

I LOVE loving my daughter back to health.

@Ozilad our daughter was having asthma-like problems; took her to a paediatric respiratory specialist. He said for every kid he diagnoses

RT @StewieComedy: "Can I fuck your Daughter"?, "What"? I said "Can I have a glass of water"

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