[Tera HD] Guide to Slayers
if it uploaded faster, totally woulda had it in time. same stuff as usual, if you have questions feel freeeeeeeee to ask in the comments and I'll reply asap

安田弘之原作の四コマ漫画「ラビパパ」が実写映像化! ウサギの格好をしたダメオヤジのラビパパと人間の恐妻ママとその息子のラビ彦が織り成す日常を描いた脱力系ハートウォーミングコメディ。 安田弘之「ショムニ」×木村佳乃「スキヤキ・ウエスタン ジャンゴ」 ×ラビパパ×風味堂×三木俊一郎「ナイスの森 The First Contact」 『The World of GOLDEN EGGS』『The 3名様』に続く脱力系オムニバスコメディの決定版! 【パパの巻】本編40分+特典映像30分【ママの巻】本編43分+特典映像30分●公式ホームページ● www.rabipapa.com

Manual Calculation of Alcatel Mandarina Duck NCK unlock code by pen, paper and calculator
I DO NOT PROVIDE FREE ALCATEL CODES! This is a video for EDUCATIONAL purposes of showing reverse engineered algorithm. Thanks Manual calculation of a Alcatel Mandarina Duck NCK using paper, pen, TI-68 calculator.... and brain (only SHA1 done on computer). Based on reverse-engineering algorithm of EXE posted on GSM forum.