African beetles beat the heat in the Sahara desert - BBC wildlife

African beetles beat the heat in the Sahara desert - BBC wildlife

Enter the amazing and surprising world of the Namib Desert. This, alongside other African deserts, where water is an unexpected source of energy. When the rains do arrive, plants appear as if by magic, and beetles perform elegant handstands to drink the tiny specs of morning dew that ensure their survival in the blistering heat. From the BBC.
Main chick talkin wet wet Got desert pussy

RT @AyeeHudd: My phone Sahara desert dry

Operation Desert Storm. Gulf War

"@DreDayWhattt: "Mom I'm done with my lunch. Its just sitting here"" what are we not doing desert i didnt get the memo" haha too funny

@baby_tehsii @baby_mugee hahaha you joker. go eat their mango desert thingy!! :3

Damn right dese folks flaw af!!! QT @BiteMeLavishly: Damn right! Desert folks flaw. RT @HailT0TheChief: @BiteMeLavishly it is?

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