African beetles beat the heat in the Sahara desert - BBC wildlife
Enter the amazing and surprising world of the Namib Desert. This, alongside other African deserts, where water is an unexpected source of energy. When the rains do arrive, plants appear as if by magic, and beetles perform elegant handstands to drink the tiny specs of morning dew that ensure their survival in the blistering heat. From the BBC.

Laughing - David Crosby
CSN, or to be more precise, David Crosby on his own. I really love the naïve lyrics and his feeling, be it live or studio. Don't sing it too often though cause the tunings are a pain where you know when you only have one guitar... By the way, the tuning is DGDDAD, but I always tune my guitar a semitone down, so don't be surprised if you try that at home and think it sounds strange.

Daytona USA Advanced - Sega Model 2 Emulator 0.9
Daytona USA running on Elsemi's Sega Model 2 Emulator 0.9 - nebula.emulatronia.com A fairly consistent run showing the retarded AI which are only good at blocking you the first lap or 2, as you can see this Arcade original of Daytona USA is running almost 100% perfect, the only issue is the car numbers on the track map which does not affect gameplay at all.