Nars Orgasm Blush Review & Jabber

Nars Orgasm Blush Review & Jabber

Little update, Nars Orgasm Blush review and application, Maybelline Mineral Power blush, guest appearance by my baby bro :) FTC: I purchased all products on my own & this is my honest opinion.
RT @FactBoook: It's actually possible to get a heart attack just from having an intense orgasm.

RT @NotCommonFacts: An orgasm a day keeps the doctor away. Study suggests it can add up to 8 years to your life.

RT @Sweetandwild101: @THEinfamousJEM just had a mild orgasm

"@alisonhaislip: Today, @nerdist told me that TORCHWOOD is an anagram of DOCTOR WHO and my brain had an orgasm." <-- MIND BLOWN

RT @FactBoook: It's actually possible to get a heart attack just from having an intense orgasm.

RT @FactBoook: It's actually possible to get a heart attack just from having an intense orgasm.

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