直木賞作家 山本兼一に聞く~直木賞受賞作『利休にたずねよ』誕生秘話~
SPBSラボ特別編直木賞作家が見た本当の利休~『利休にたずねよ』誕生秘話~ いま注目の歴史小説作家・山本兼一氏をお招きして、 直木賞受賞作『利休にたずねよ』はいかにして誕生したのか聞いてみました。 SHIBUYA PUBLISHING & BOOKSELLERS www.shibuyabooks.net 映像制作会社メディアフォーユーwww.mediaforyou.tv

Don Doko Don 2 - Bosses Part 1
This seems to have uploaded well enough. Well, I haven't really made a video in a year or more. Alas, my connection's pretty poor and even besides that I'm just not as active here anymore. So I wrote an FAQ for this game recently and figured I may as well make some videos. At any rate, this is a group of bosses fromt he great Japanese-only NES game Don Doko Don 2. Many of you may have played Don Doko Don. This plays similarly to the first game, but the layout is much different. Instead of ~100 screen sized rooms to explore, this is much more a normal platformer ala Mario. In fact, it seems to be a fairly infamous game often presented as "Mario 8." It's a great game, on the easy side, but worth a play.

Solee - Reflect (Official)
for promotional use only! please support the artist and buy the full release at www.beatport.com/artists/solee or ask your local recorddealer for the limited 12" vinyl release! more info: www.solee-music.com www.parquet-recordings.com www.facebook.com