8 Min Abs Workout, how to have six pack (HD Version)
www.passion4profession.net PRESENTS 8 Min Abs Workout, how to have six pack. The workout has been designed to specifically work on the abdominal area. It can be done by anyone who exercises regularly, both men and women. There are no particular requirements for this module; you just need to know how to properly perform the exercises involved. PROGRAM Perform this workout every second day (eg Mon-Wed-Fri) for at least two weeks. Then you'll be ready to perform the next level of this workout. Good Luck to get six pack! HOW THIS WORKOUT WORKS 1. Working aerobically on your abdominal muscles for over 7 minutes stimulates the capillaries in this area. These in turn increase the blood flow. 2. A greater blood flow means a greater flow of oxygen - and fat only burns in the presence of oxygen. 3. Toned muscles need more calories (kcal) to stay active. Our organism tends to release these calories from the area near the active muscles. So it burns fat in that area. HOW TO USE THIS WORKOUT 1. The module is designed to work the abdominal area 'aerobically'. Performing it straight after an aerobic workout (eg: running, spinning, swimming or other aerobic activities) will improve the positive effect. 2. Learn the instructions for each exercise of this workout. Ensure you perform exercises properly. 3. Pay attention on the correct breathing while performing the exercises. It is very important and will help you achieve the best results possible. See our Abs Workout Level 2 (advanced ...
Euphoria 3d Physics Engine by Natural Motion - Used in GTA4
(Watch in HD) This is the physics engine (sorry, not graphics or ragdoll as previously stated) Rockstar games used in their newest Grand Theft Auto game, out this coming Tuesday, April 29. Company web site: www.naturalmotion.com This engine allows completely CPU driven physics and collision detection. Because it is completely dynamic and is not based off of key frame animation or motion capture, it is extremely hardware intensive. GTA4 will be the first blockbuster to launch using this engine, and will get its real test in the multi-player arena as players join up on their XBOX 360 consoles. This sort of dynamic technology is the future, and creates new possibilities for gaming we've never imagined. It will however, take a while before most people's home PCs are powerful enough for this to work its way into the Massively multi-player arena in any really pure dynamic form.
《 織田信長━ 淸州城攻城》
TBS Drama, Oda Nobunaga. 1989 Battle of the Kiyosu Castle Actor : Ken Watanabe koreanwar60.tistory.com http
越尾さくら / LUCKY ISLAND PV (Full Ver)
2011/09/07 に発売される越尾さくら New Single 【 LUCKY ISLAND 】 越尾さくらの生まれ育った故郷である「福島県」を想い書きおろした新曲。 福島の笑顔を届けたい。。。 そんな小さな想いから始まったPV撮影。チャリティーソングということもあり製作費0円。スタッフも全てボランティア。。。 しかし、そんな小さな想いがどんどんと広がり、市や地元企業、幼稚園、小中学校、専門学校などなど、、、気が付けば総勢300名を超える福島県民の方々が協力・参加したPVとなりました。 ●「ふくしま駅伝」番組イメージソング●第23回 会津若松市 鶴ヶ城健康マラソン大会 応援ソング●テレビユー福島 公認 福島県復興応援ソング