How To Do The Deadlift With Proper Form
www.LeeHayward.com http Here is a deadlift instructional video that I shot while working out last week down at the Las Vegas Athletic Club. The deadlift is one of the oldest weight training exercises and it is also one of the most effective exercises for overall total body muscular development. There is a lot of confusion and misconceptions when it comes to the deadlift. Some people think that it is a dangerous exercise. However, when it is done properly, it is one of the most productive exercises that you can do in your workouts. To get more deadlift training tips check out my 7 week deadlift cycle, which is included as an extra bonus report with the Blast Your Bench program.

2011.09.20. 撮影。誰が考えたのか?電車の発車合図にメロディーを流すなんて。多くの駅で尻切れトンボの状況では、いっそベルに戻したほうがよっぽどいい。但し、電車接近~到着直後までの間に「ご当地メロディー」を流すことには賛成します。渋谷駅では「ハチ公」メロディーを流してほしいね。動画説明:①JR水道橋駅②JR上野駅。