台灣人常患肝病是從日據時代就已經知道的事實,當時台北帝大病理解剖的結果顯示出台灣人罹患肝細胞癌的比例遠高於日本人,然而由於缺乏特異性的標誌,其原因不明。1965 年Blumberg 等發現澳洲抗原,以後證實它就是B型肝炎病毒(HBV)的表面抗原(HBsAg),對肝病病因的碓定有很大的貢獻,開啓了病毒性肝炎研究嶄新...
Jak 3 - Episode 20
The Jak 3 HD Collection: This is the most memorable part of Jak 3 for me..I hope it does the same for you...enjoy.. Please Remember to Rate this video and su...
Lee Young Ae (Jang Geum) Park Eun Hye
Lee Young Ae-this is a slide show made by my self. how do you think? this movie was shown in Iran and many other Asian countries and had a lots of viewers. t...
71 Temas Para Xp By ElMangnare569.wmv
Aqui El Link de Los Temas http://www.mediafire.com/?tszbc6nv15mvjan perdonen si dece chaadoolmaster.