Amazing F1 stuff - Lotus E20 Launch

Amazing F1 stuff - Lotus E20 Launch

Lotus F1 Team is proud to unveil the E20. Copyright Lotus F1 Team
Oye @VTRsoporte me tai cagando con la señal de @FOXSports_norte!! Quiero ver el show de la F1!!!!

@Nikukyu0299 今日からF1のチケット発売ですよ!

おめあり!秒速リプですねwww.RT @HL_Keiyo_F1: @MasaruDenchu おめ!

fuuuuck, I'm up at 7.30 when it's really 6.30 :-( fucking time differences around the world for F1!!!!!!

@Sam_F1_LFC My TV, computer and phone says 3 different times :S But I guess my computer is right then, it´s 3 here??

@adamrdavey cheers dude, but rileys has that hd screen and its incredible #f1

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