勇気あるもの [DVD]
Bill Rego (Danny DeVito) had it all from being a successful father (maybe a tad self-centered) and advertising businessman. Now he is divorced and out of a job. He gets a job opportunity to use his skills to teach or bring a hand full of marginal soldiers up to military material. The soldiers of course are from all walks of life and bring with them different backgrounds and emotional luggage. He must learn how to do help each one accomplish the goal. He settles on Shakespeare as the learning tool as he is familiar with the material.
Will he succeed?
Does he learn anything in the process?
What effect does this have on the instructors he works with?
Do we come away with anything of worth?
There are many teaching "the unruly" movies out there and there will be many more. This one has a little more depth in also teaching the teacher. It is not some great unknown insight but a gradual awareness that benefits all involved. If you are planning on a pure comedy this may not be the film you are looking for as it has many comic moments yet has a message that supersedes those moments.
トラディショナル ポプリ―英国の香りと彩りを味わう
愛のアルバム [DVD]
これこそが愛し合う夫婦の人生模様の名作、感動しました!俳優ケイリー グランドは本当にいい男ですね、コメディの彼も好きですがシリアスな演技もなかなかのもの、共演の女優アイリーン ダンは実に個性的な顔立ちのアメリカ美人ですね。完全にセットですが、日本も舞台として登場、そこに関東大震災が若い夫婦を襲います。大変なシーンですが、日本人としては嬉しいシーンでしたね。養子をもらう事の大変さ、難しさも織りなって大変に興味深い名作に仕上がっています。超低価格で楽しめる今のうちにぜひ、どうぞ!。