Honda's ASIMO Dances at Disneyland

Honda's ASIMO Dances at Disneyland

Due to its highly responsive software and posture control technology, ASIMO is able to change speed while in motion, allowing it to have flexible and rapid movements while still maintaining its overall balance. This allows it to bend its knees and waist, step and hop - all the right moves to dance.
"@_RozahParks: huh ? .. honda?"

$45 to fill up a damn Honda????

@Jorge_LopezM que Honda mi Jorge estrenando twiter, saludos

Lmfao I was like whoa dad let's not play speed racer with an rv & a Honda

RT @kyouray: >> Shouko Nakamura, Tetsuya Nishio, Takashi Hashimoto, Shinji Higuchi, Tadashi Hiramatsu, Takeshi Honda

Might be my last night with the honda.. So im deff running it all night for the hell of it

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