009-1 Trailer
009-1 (ゼロゼロナイン・ワン Zero Zero Nain Wan, pronounced "Zero Zero Nine-One") is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Shotaro Ishinomori. The manga was serialized in the Futabasha publication Weekly Manga Action from 1967 to 1970, then returned briefly in 1974. The story concerns Miléne Hoffman (ミレーヌ・ホフマン Mirēnu Hofuman; "Mylene" in the English translation), a female cyborg who works as a secret agent. The Japanese title of the manga was 009ノ1, or "Zero Zero Ku-no-ichi", a pun on kunoichi (female ninja) and a reference to the main character's espionage occupation. for more info :en.wikipedia.org
コード:music.j-total.net リクエストをもらっていた曲です。 本当に美しい曲なので、ここまでくるのにとても時間がかかりました(+o+) 森山直太郎さんの世界観は然り、自分の表現したかったものにさえ到達していません・・・ アルペジオが苦手なことと、何より身近な人を失う悲しみを未だ知らない私は所詮ここまで。 奏でる音は、人生経験そのものを反映するのだと改めて感じました。音楽は深い。
Erika Toda 戸田恵梨香 2
She has had supporting roles in many popular Japanese TV dramas such as Nobuta o Produce, Engine and Gal Circle, but has only starred as the main character in her April 2007 drama, Liar Game. In the popular manga adaption movie Death Note: The Last Name, she played the role of Misa Amane.