河野太郎さんと語る 日本とエネルギーの未来2
河野太郎金沢講演会 第二部kounotaro-kanazawa.tumblr.com パネルディスカッションギター演奏 石川征樹 www.myspace.com 中継fm4649fm4649.net
Leaves´ Eyes - For Amelie (Subtitulado Español)
Con mucho dolor en el alma, les traigo este video con una edición de paisajes que considere que deberían mostrar la belleza del mundo antes de partir a otro sendero. Es díficil despedirse de alguien a quien se ama, y más si no depende de ti el continuar juntos...
花城涼役を演じた馬場良馬さんよりコメントを頂きました! 映画『アサシン』 小原剛監督作品 ○出演:馬場良馬、久保田悠来、岩田さゆり、渡辺奈緒子、波岡一喜、高野八誠、やべきょうすけ、柳憂怜 渡洋史、金井シゲル、紅井ユキヒデ、レイパー佐藤、吉岡毅志、永田彬、高橋ジョージ、大友康平 ○原作:『アサシン』新堂冬樹 著(角川書店) ○監督:小原剛 ○脚本:久保田浩康、小原剛 ○音楽:朝倉紀行 ○プロデューサー:大田安臣、三澤友貴、岩淵規 ○主題歌:Sindy『ヒロイン』(テイチクエンタテインメント) ○配給:ゴー・シネマ (C)2011『アサシン』製作委員会 an-assassin.com
Bobby's In Deep! ボビーに首ったけ- [Movie]
The 17-year-old Nomura Akihiko, called Bobby, is an underachieving high school kid with a deep love for motorcycles. His grades are failing, and his father — traditional and strict is trying everything he can think of to get the kid to apply for college. His mother is so silent, she might as well not even exist. Really, his support system lies entirely in his twinkle-toed little sister, the 14-year-old Keiko, who is nosy but cheers him on in her own way. Bobby really does little else but work on his bike. His most recent achievement seems to have been getting photos of himself on a road trip printed in a motorcyclist hobby magazine. This leads to an unexpected result: A girl his age, Nakahara Sakumi, who picked up that issue on a whim, decides to write him a letter. A romantic letter... - www.animenewsnetwork.co.uk - anidb.net ----------- ----------- - Subtitle work by To-y Restoration Committee [To-y RC] - Sourced from BakaBT