さまぁ〜ず トークライブ 1/10
2006年年末にたった1ステージだけ行われた、さまぁ〜ず初のシークレットトークライブ! 打ち合わせなし!リハーサルなし!ゲストなし!のぶっつけ本番! あの番組の原点となった伝説のライブです。
Uchida conducts Mozart's Piano Concerto #20 - Allegro I
Mitsuko Uchida conducts and performs. Below is a review, reprinted in the DVD insert for this performance. Two and a half centuries after Mozart's birth, Mitsuko Uchida comes as close as any pianist, of the present or the past, to giving his music a quality of contemporaneity, without recourse to exaggeration of any kind, without a hint of "historicity." There is no pedantry in her playing, no self-conscious didacticism, no straight imitation of 18th century practices. She is, however, musicologically highly informed, and characteristically complements this knowledge with practical experience. (cont. on part II)
一発描き シカマル
アメーバ→ameblo.jp twitter→twitter.com 宜しくっす(´▽`) リーも好きだけどシカマルもいいわぁ(`・∀・´) 木曜ナルト見たけど、めちゃくちゃ懐かしかったってかヘアゴム?書き忘れました((((;゚Д゚))))