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JSBach BWV578"Little" Sone Mayako
JSBach BWV578"Little" Sone Mayako harpsichord fuge in g minor moll フーガト短調 曽根麻矢子チェンバロver
Hitman: Absolution - Walkthrough (Part 12) - Mission: Rosewood (Victoria's Ward)
Hitman: Absolution Walkthrough - PART I - [ROSEWOOD] - Victoria's Ward - Rosewood orphanage, second floor. Hospital ward and nurseries. ▪ The Mercenary Birdie has sold out Victoria to save his own life. Part of me understands. This was never his fight. I shall deal with him later. For now, all that matters is the girl. I must get to her before Wade and take her somewhere safe. Nobody will stand in my way. - Orphanage Halls - Rosewood orphanage, first floor. Reception, canteen, staff and visitors center. Large open areas. Dangerous in a hostile environment. - Recover fuses Power failure. Likely burned fuses. Even the building betrays me. I need to focus. Ignore my instincts to stand and fight. Victoria's safety is all that matters. Damn you Diana. You ask too much of me. ◉ Recover first fuse One of four fuses required to fix the elevator. ◉ Recover second fuse One of four fuses required to fix the elevator. ◉ Recover third fuse One of four fuses required to fix the elevator. ◉ Recover fourth fuse One of four fuses required to fix the elevator. - Central Heating - Rosewood orphanage, basement. And old furnace provides the building with central heating. ◉ Hunt Wade Wade. 10 years as a button man for the Columbian cartels and not a single scratch. Probably considers himself invulnerable. He wants me to fight him. I shall give him what he wants. ◉ Eliminate Wade Edward Wade, 5'9", approximately 135 lbs. Mercenary, currently working for Blake Dexter. Reputation for ...