ますだおかだ寿しバトル 記者会見編
「小僧寿しファンの ますだvsおかだ 絶対旨い! 寿しバトル」 お寿しに対する強いこだわりを持つますだおかださんが「小僧寿し」のスペシャルメニューをプロデュース! 発売記者会見の様子がご覧いただけます。
Let's Play - Final Fantasy - X - #6 - Baby's First Sinspawn
Don't forget to leave a rating it helps me out a lot! Both of these fights, especially the first, are relatively easy. I did have some issue with Tidus being beat to crap in the second one, but it still went relatively well. Sadly all we managed to do was piss off Sin, good job team! www.facebook.com steamcommunity.com www.twitch.tv This is the PAL version of the game. I am using a guide meant for the NTSC version of the game. This means there may be certain things I miss here and there. I will try to get as much as I can. I will likely not be doing the Dark Aeons (huge time sink) and the boss that comes after them. I will be trying to get most, if not all, of the ultimate weapons. I probably won't complete the Monster Arena but I will show it and do some of it. Most of the other side quests I should be doing (or at the least telling you how to do).
夏の夜に最も聴きたい歌。 この歌、いろんな人が歌っていますが、やはりこれが1番。 甘く、切ない歌声がたまりません。 隠れた「夏のNO1ソング」です。 画像は「葉月~La Moon~」さんからお借りしました。