冒険航空会社モンタナ・ジョーンズ「イスタンブールより愛をこめて1」 名作「冒険航空会社モンタナ・ジョーンズ」を忘れないためにアップしました。非営利目的なので、NHKが再放送するかDVDを出した時、削除いたします。 昔に録画したものを、デジカメから取っているので飛び飛びになっています。 再放送の「冒険航空会社モンタナ」第一話より。 後ろに移っている箪笥の影や私自身の影、家族の聞いているラジオの演歌など、気になるところがあるかもしれませんが、ご容赦ください。 内容、画力、歴史や事柄の詳しさ、話やそれぞれの国に合う選ばれた数々の音楽、どれもレベルが高く、素晴らしいと思います。 再度、申します。 名作「冒険航空会社モンタナ・ジョーンズ」を忘れないためにアップしました。非営利目的なので、NHKが再放送するかDVDを出した時、削除いたします。
The Groucho Marx Show: American Television Quiz Show - Wall / Water Episodes
In public and off-camera, Harpo and Chico were difficult to recognize by their fans without their wigs and costumes, but it was almost impossible to recognize Groucho without his trademark eye-glasses, fake eyebrows and mustache. The greasepaint mustache and eyebrows originated spontaneously prior to a vaudeville performance in the early 1920s when he did not have time to apply the pasted-on mustache he had been using (or, according to his autobiography, simply did not enjoy the removal of the mustache every night because of the effects of tearing an adhesive bandage off the same patch of skin every night). After applying the greasepaint mustache, a quick glance in the mirror revealed his natural hair eyebrows were too undertoned and did not match the rest of his face, so Marx added the greasepaint to his eyebrows and headed for the stage. The absurdity of the greasepaint was never discussed on-screen, but in a famous scene in Duck Soup, where both Chicolini (Chico) and Pinky (Harpo) disguise themselves as Groucho, they are briefly seen applying the greasepaint, implicitly answering any question a viewer might have had about where he got his mustache and eyebrows. Marx was asked to apply the greasepaint mustache once more for You Bet Your Life when it came to television, but he refused, opting instead to grow a real one, which he wore for the rest of his life. By this time, his eyesight had weakened enough for him actually to need corrective lenses; before then, his eye ...
え~お久しぶりです。 自前で音源作るのに3年近くかかりましたうそです(´ー`) 2010/5/9(日)開催のVOCALOID MASTER 12で、Project Nostalgia(B13,14)にて頒布されるCD、 「タコす!ノスタルジア天国 - ザ・トップテン-」に、本音源(未圧縮)が収録されます。 なお、収録曲は自作オケ&JASRAC申請済です。JASRAC許諾番号 R-1040452 詳細は以下を参照願います~ nostalgia.takap.tk www.nicovideo.jp 今回「再構築(Restructure)」にあたり、合いの手の声はリンちゃんに、 高音のコーラスはルカさんに歌ってもらいました。(メインはもちろんミクさんです) また、動画はwww.nicovideo.jp あ、動画に歌詞が。。(´ヘ`;)
Chinese: Choral Tribute to Lily Allen by Capital Children's Choir
This is our choral tribute to Lily Allen who wrote this song for her mother, Alison Owen. Orchestrated and Arranged by Rachel Santesso To like the choir on facebook: www.facebook.com Video by Alexandra Berglof Recording engineers: Andrew Dudman and Sam Okell at Abbey Road Studios studio footage filmed by Nick Marangoni